Friday, March 28, 2008

It finally arrived!!!

So many people know that I'm a Dave Barnes fanatic, yes, more than a fan, a fanatic! Anyway, so I pre-ordered his new cd Me&You&The World, and it arrived yesterday!!! Now because I'm such a fan, I not only bought the cd, but also the making of the cd, and the new shirt that, well it rocks too! The new cd isn't released until April 1st, and should be on iTunes so do yourself a favor and check it out! He is one of the up and coming singer/song writers and is going to really make his mark in the music industry. You can click on the image on the right and purchase the cd today! Also, if you have the opportunity to see Barnes live, DO IT! He is amazing live, with this hilarious wit and personality you'll hope that the show never ends! Hope to see you at a show soon!
Over and out!

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