Thursday, December 20, 2007

The verdict is in....

The letter finally came...

I was nervous to open it up....

Literally, I was debating on waiting to open it until later because I was so nervous.....

However, I decided that whatever the letter had to say, it wasn't going to change whether I opened it now to read it or later.


I opened it...

and it said.....

"Congratulations!" Yay! I got in to Cleveland Chiropractic College, Kansas City. I called a bunch of friends, and told my family once they arrived home, and heard many congratulations! I was able to talk to a couple friends of mine who are chiropractors, and who went to CCC, so they were able to share in this experience with me. Plus, they've heard me vent about the frustrations of the process, so it was wonderful to be able to share something that was so exciting! Anyway, so as you can guess, I'm ecstatic, and can't believe that this is happening for me. I have a bunch to get done before starting CCC, and even more once I start, but 5 years from now and I'll be finished with this part of my journey.

1 comment:

Lori Casto said...

awesome!! way to go princess