Thursday, November 06, 2008 to join!?

So I started on a new challenge, which I'm sure is going to kick my butt, however it's also going to whip me in shape too! (I follow a kettlebell blog and found this challenge here!) It's the Kettlebell 200 swing challenge and it shouldn't be taken lightly at all! Today was the first day of it and my body is killing me already, but it's a good thing. So the challenge goes as follows: Every day for a month (or more if you can handle it) do 200 swings. Simple, to the poiint, and yeah it's killer! **If you don't have a kettlebell, I highly recommend getting one. However, if you want to do this challenge with a dumb bell, which will work okay.** If you're up for the challenge, let me know how it's going for you!

I did some extra upper body sets as well, but nothing too much, I don't want to over exert myself. I'm thinking going up and down the stairs tomorrow will be a bit painful! I'll post every now and then on how the challenge is going. I'm sure there will be days (many in fact) that are going to be difficult to get in the full 200, but I'm going to press hard to do this challenge and get back on track with my training. Well, for now I have to get back to some studying!

Over and out!

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