Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Acupuncture & God moments!

Well I had a new experience today! I went to my chiropractor and had some acupuncture done! It wasn't actually all that painful, which was great! I think I ended up getting around a dozen needles all together. Most of the needles were in my foot, or ankle area, and then a few up my legs. Honestly, I can already start to feel a difference, which is amazing! I have an appointment this Friday to check and see if it is working, as well as a few more adjustments, but I feel like things are finally moving in the right direction.

After my appointment, I had dinner with my classmate who came to the appointment with me. It was such a God moment. The entire way out to my appointment we talked about God, faith, sin, forgiveness, etc., as well as at dinner some too. Then we went and got coffee and talked for another hour at least about it all even more. It was so amazing! I know that she is searching, and questioning things right now, and so it was awesome to be able to talk to her about all of that, and to let her know that I'm here whenever she has any questions, or anything. It was so cool to be sitting there talking about God, drinking coffee, and honestly feeling like God is speaking right through me. I think I just realized why I was supposed to come out here to school rather than somewhere closer to home. What an amazing evening! Over and out!



Anonymous said...

I'm so excited that you got to experience God talking through you! I'm sure that you really made an impact on her. She needs someone like you around when she is searching. You are such an amazing friend, love you. Prayers are definitely going to be said for you both!

Jeanna said...

I love God moments and I am so glad you shared this one with me :)

Keep the conversation going...

Dix said...

I am glad all that you are doing is working...but don't do what you have always done or you will get what you have always gotten....so don't go through the acupuncture if you are going to reinjure it k? just watching out for ya kiddo. Also, love the picture...you did great. You are just a talented little "Ellen voice" aren't you?