Friday, March 13, 2009

1, 2, 3 workouts!?

Today I met up with a friend of mine to do an arm workout, which was awesome! We didn't do a ton of stuff, but what we did was pretty tough considering neither of us have lifted on a regular basis for a while. After lifting out weights, we went to the store to get stuff for stir-fry that I was going to make for dinner later in the evening. Next it was to another friends house to meet up and go for a 6 mile walk...this time it took just over an hour and a half! After the walk, I decided to run back to her house, while they drove back...mainly to see how my heel was feeling and if I could handle it. I made it in just over 13 minutes (just under a mile and a half), which isn't horrible considering I haven't run in over a month!

Next it was time to fix dinner! I honestly think I made enough to feed about 8 people....easily! Only 4 of us were a bunch of left overs! Oh well! I had made Heaven on a Plate earlier in the week and we had that for dinner, which was Ah-Mazing! It really is the little things in life! Ha!

So after relaxing for a while, I helped my friend with her eliptical machine. See it was together, but there were a few bolts that were a bit loose and needed to be tightened but it really needed two people to be accomplished. My arms got an another work out in tightening the bolts! We then moved a mat from one room to under the eliptical machine. However, this was not just any mat, this thing was a monster! Both of us are pretty strong, but this sucker was putting up a serious fight! We eventually got it, as did my legs and arms...AGAIN! Talk about being exhausted! Oh well, it's getting me back in shape! Well, time to get some serious rest!

Over and out!

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