Saturday, March 07, 2009

Still up!?

Yes, I'm still awake, and haven't had any sleep tonight...

I thought I'd lay around for a bit and watch TV after I got home from a great evening with a friend, but I just haven't fallen asleep. I haven't even been tired! Now granted, it's my own fault....I had three cups of very strong (very delicious) black coffee around 8:30 at night. Not smart at all on my part. I generally make sure not to have any caffeine no later than 2 pm because it affects me so much...well I threw care to the side because I had an amazing piece of cheese cake from the Cheesecake Factory! Cheesecake, coffee, and conversation...yeah, I enjoyed all three of them! Anyway, so now I'm sitting here hours later, still not tired at 4:30 am, and I've decided that I'm going to just stay up and go to bed early tonight...hopefully this will work as well as I'm expecting it to, but we'll see about that! I just have to make sure not to give in to a nap, which I'm sure around the afternoon I'm going to be tempted to crash for a few hours...hmm...maybe I can try and still get a few hours of sleep so I can actually be productive once I get up and work on some goes nothing I guess!

Over and out!

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