Over and out.
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11:58 PM
Labels: Thoughts...
Okay, so yesterday I went to my favorite cafe in town and got to catch up with some of my girl friends from high school! Gosh how I miss them so much! It was so wonderful hearing how things are going and laugh so hard just because that's how we are. I also got some of the most amazing hummus! Yeah, I was happy! Then today, I got to go back to that awesome cafe and meet up with another friend and catch each other up on life with each other. I wish I could take that cafe with me, but still my friends wouldn't be there so really it still wouldn't work out very well! Still though, it was awesome!
Well tonight a bunch of friends went ice skating, which I'm normally not really down with, but I figured, why not!? So I bundled up and went to the ice rink. It's probably been about two years since I've gone ice skating, and I must say...not too bad! I didn't fall once! It was actually a lot of fun, but my ankles aren't too happy with me! It was worth it though! I usually just sit on the bleachers or stand by the rink, but not this time! I ended up ice skating for about two and a half hours! I got a work out in that's for sure! There were so many little kids trying to stay up and learn how to skate it was so cute! One of the little boys had a helmet with a face mask and all! I asked his dad how old he was, he was only 5, and it was his first time on the ice! They were so cute! There were actually a pretty good amount of people there, it was packed...well depending on where you were skating...you know how there always seems to be a huge clump of people that keep going around at the same speed. This meant I was weaving in and out of people which was so much fun! I was skating in between my friends, and under their arms too, it was awesome! I'm so glad I went! Over and out!
Posted by
10:13 PM
It's been a while since I've posted last, so I'll try and update this with a few things from the past couple days.
Monday - Christmas Day! So my parents and I were supposed to travel down to Indy to visit with some family, but that plan didn't take off because both my parents weren't feeling well. So for the day I hung around the house, watched a couple movies, played with Scruffy, etc. Nothing too exciting really.
Tuesday - Got up nice and early and drove to Chicago to pick Melissa up from the airport! Traffic actually wasn't too bad which was surprising, and very much appreciated! Once we got back we didn't really do much which was nice...then...I got a headache! So I decided to take this new migraine medicine and see if that works. Well about a half hour after I took it, it was a full blown migraine, no doubt about it. So I was laying in my room with my pillow on my head hoping the pain would leave me. Thankfully the pain finally subsided some, back to only a headache, but then I was dealing with side affects from the medication. Ugh! Anyway, so we'll see if this stuff actually works after a second try.
Wednesday - Bummed around the house for a while, but I did make breakfast! We ended up going out to the mall (bad idea...I think every high school kid was there!). No luck on finding a New Year's Eve top, so we'll see what I end up wearing....hmm. Back to my house to visit with a few friends, and then a baby shower! Next it was off to Hacienda where I got to see a bunch of my friends from high school! Some of them I hadn't seen since graduation! It was really great to catch up with each other and enjoy some amazing chips & salsa!
Today...is going to be a blast! More on that later!
Over and out.
Posted by
8:56 AM
Yes, that's right I got a new tattoo! I went to Marvel, where I got my first tattoo, about 5 years ago, and again, bravo...amazing job! If you are thinking about getting a tattoo, or a piercing, I highly suggest going to them! They're awesome! My tattoo artist was Larry, and he was awesome! He had Lindsay and I cracking up the whole time. (Lindsay, thanks for coming with me! It was really awesome to have you there taking pictures and making me laugh!)
So my tattoo is of my cousin's initial's in the shape of the ichthus fish. I came up with the design my self after sitting around and drawing at least a dozen different designs. I really like it! Larry asked me what the letters were for and he goes, "Jesus loves jokes!?" Good thinking, but not quite. He then asked Lindsay what she does, and so we actually were talking about church for a little bit while I was getting it done. Never thought that would ever happen! It was really cool though. He seemed like a really cool guy, and a great artist. Okay well that's really all for now, I might get some more pictures of it in a few days when it's not so puffy. So enjoy the photos! Over and out!
Posted by
11:38 PM
Today was spent giving massages...many of them. First up was a very close friend of mine around 10 am, which also included some much needed catch up time. Next was a good friend around noon, also some catching up to do. Then a friend of mine came over around 2 pm for my next appointment, and you guessed it, catching up! I had a little bit of a break in between this massage and the last one, so I went to the gym to work out, but only briefly. I only ran a little over a mile and a half, partly because of time, but also because my knee was giving me some trouble. After working out, and showering, it was time for the last massage appointment of the day. I ended up giving a 2 hour massage because the two of us were talking (big surprise!) and I really needed to work out some terrible knots. From all the feedback that I've heard, everyone has said good things, so that's great! By this time I was pretty exhausted but wanted to go and hang out with my friends because I really don't get to do this very often at all. So it was over to a friends house to chat a bit, play some 9 ball, and pool in general, and watch most of Romeo & Juliet. By the time I left it was around 2:45 in the morning! I haven't stayed up this late in a long time! Over and out.
Posted by
2:03 AM
It's been a few days since I've posted last so I'll do my best to recap the past few days....
Monday: Practical mid-term...from what I could tell, I did fine, but I won't get the grade until I go back to class after break. After class I went to work out, showered, then hit the road. I decided around 8:45 Sunday night that being that I was already packed and really didn't have much of a reason (yes, I know school is a reason to stay, but I knew we weren't doing much the two days that I would be missing) to stay in the area. So from about 2pm (central time) until about 2am (eastern time). After I got home I really couldn't sleep so I stayed up for 3 hours moving a few things around in my room, and trying to fall asleep.
Tuesday: This was too much fun. I called up Lindsay and asked her how her day was going, how she was doing etc., leading her on to think that I was still in KC. I then walked in her office and got a great reaction. She literally screamed! I wish I had a camera to capture her reaction, it was amazing! Yes, it was so awesome! Oh how fun it is to surprise people! I then drove up to East Lansing to visit with a friend whom I hadn't seen in over a year. After many hours up there and lots of catching up, it was time to hit the road again and head home.
Wednesday: I went in to work to see a bunch of people after the weekly staff meeting. It was so wonderful to see so many of the awesome people that I used to work with. Then it was over to Elkhart to see another friend for a little bit, which was so great! Then I decided that I would try and get a work out in, and ran a 5k, but my knee was still bothering me, so it might be back to the bike for a little bit. Then a friend of mine came over to get a massage and hang out for a little bit. Next it was over to Hacienda for the most amazing chips & salsa, plus the company wasn't bad either!
Thursday: A friend (sort of like a mom to me) came over for a massage, and to catch up on what's been going on the past few months. A couple hours later another friend of mine (also like a mom to me) came over to catch up...but this time there wasn't enough time for a massage. Then it was time to get ready for church, then head to church to meet up with my boss from when I worked there and catch each other up on how things have been going the past few months. It was so great to really just unload on a few things and get her opinion, which I highly value. Church was great, oh how I miss this place when I'm so far from here. Worship just isn't the same. Next off to a movie at the dollar theatre! Yay! Okay, well that's all for now. Over and out!
Posted by
12:20 PM
So tonight I watched one of my favorite Christmas movies, A Charlie Brown Christmas! I watch it every year, and this year is no exception! However, this year I was packing for my trip home! Once I get home I'm sure I'll listen to the soundtrack of the show at least a few times.
I did end up packing almost everything up for my trip! Which means that I don't have to rush back after my workout tomorrow to get things ready. I really am half way (okay more than half way) tempted to split after class tomorrow and get there Tuesday morning...oh what a plan! I need to not think its a good plan though because I really should stay here and go to class on Tuesday...eh! Okay, well before I talk myself into anything I better go! Over and out!
Posted by
8:00 PM
Well today I thought that I would just chill, and maybe get some things done, but nothing major. I wasn't planning on going to the gym to work out, after the pain that I was in from the day before, and my crazy idea to ride a half marathon! That changed though around 4:30 when I was sitting around not really doing much of anything. So I got ready and went to work out. I was only planning on only using the elliptical and giving my knee an additional day of rest. However, I got there and decided that I was going run on the treadmill instead. I ended up running a 5k and then doing some ab and arm work too. I need to work on running further but with my knee giving me pain at this point, I'll take what I can get. The real training wont start until February. I figure as a birthday present to myself, I'll try and run a half marathon then and see how I feel after. Although, that could change when the day comes around! Anyway, I felt GREAT when I got done, and made sure to belt out the songs that I was listening to on the way home. Yeah, I'm sure I was a site on the way home, considering I still had my bandanna on from my work out, bright yellow even! I'm sure I made someone laugh, even if that someone was me! Over and out!
Posted by
9:10 PM
The first number, 100, is a very good number! Today was my midterm in my muscloskeletal class, and I passed without even missing a single question! This was most definitely by the grace of God because there is no way I could have passed it without His help, and the many prayers! I didn't even have a migraine when I took the test either, which was a miracle all in itself if you ask me!
The second number, 13.1, miles that I rode today on a bike during my workout. It took me about 64 minutes in all, and my legs are already in a bit of pain from it all! I figured though that because my knee is giving me a bit of pain, I'll bike for a little bit and ease up on the impact for a couple days. Plus I thought, I might as well be able to bike a half marathon if I plan on running on in a little over six months!
The third ("thid" to a very special friend! Haha! Nothin' but love!) number, 5, days until I am home! This I might be the most exciting number of the day! Granted I have lots to get done in the next few days, I'm still so craptastically excited, I don't mind! Craptastically is one of my favorite words...well okay, craptastic is, but it goes right along with it! I think you should use it today...it can be the word of the day! Oh fun times! While we're at it, the number of the day will be 5, so try and use them both today! Maybe even at the same time! Oh that could be fun! Okay, now that I've lost you, and myself for that matter, I'll go now. Over and out!
Posted by
3:05 PM
UGH!!! OUCH!!! Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel right now. (Yes, I know the picture is a little weird, but that really is about how I feel right now.) I've had a headache all day, and it unfortunately turned into a migraine about 4 hours ago. I have to study a bunch of muscles that we've gone over the past two days in class, so we'll see how much I get done. I'm thinking sleep might actually be a better option though. My mid term is this Friday, both written and practical. Alright, well off to study, or sleep, not sure which one yet. Over and out.
Posted by
7:49 PM
Class today...oh where to begin! Lecture went well, and I have lots of muscles to study and know by my mid term this Friday. After lecture we were supposed to have two hours of body work, as well as give our presentations. However, our instructor was still sick, so we had a different instructor cover the last two hours of class. This meant studying mostly, doing some body work if we wanted to practice, and talking. I was making sure to study some, and then I was watching a couple girls as they were giving massages, because this was only their first couple times they've given a massage. I stood by helping out, and giving a few tips, and one of the girls says to me, "You should teach!" "Thanks, but no." I've given it some thought before, but not about massage, about art, but even that it was only a passing thought.Anyway, so after helping with massages, I went back to my table to study some more. This might have not been the best idea, because this is when all the drama started! The girls were talking about a relationship (or lack there of) and everything that went along with all of that. So I was sitting there, and only said one thing after a statement had been made about a date. One of the girls said that it wasn't a date. At this point I couldn't keep quiet any longer, so I asked the girl, "Was this a prearranged appointment just the two of you?" "Yes." "Well, then it was a date!" This sparked some major debate. After I made that statement one of the girls said to me, "Yeah, this coming from the girl who hasn't dated in over 5 years!?" Oh, I had to let that one fly because I wasn't about to really start a debate. Eh!
After class I went to Anytime Fitness to sign up for a membership, and work out after all the paper work was finished. My goodness, I killed my arms! I ended up running 3 miles, doing some ab and back work outs, and then doing a lot of work on my arms and legs. As you can imagine, my legs and arms especially are dead! Tomorrow is really going to be painful, I'm sure! I feel great though. It was really wonderful to get back to working out. I haven't worked out in about two weeks, and know that I can't let that happen again. So now I don't have a reason. The weather outside won't keep me from working out anymore! Over and out!
Posted by
5:21 PM
So my mom called me last night on her way to church and told me that my one cousin was going to meet her there. I couldn't believe it! I was very excited, as was my mom. My cousin's mom is very much against hearing about our church, and anything to do really with my mom's faith when they talk. Granted my cousin is 26 and can make her own mind up, but I know that parents have a way of getting to their child even if they don't think they do. Anyway, so I talked with my mom for a little bit longer and she had said that she really thought she was coming because she hadn't called yet. So fast forward to later that same evening. I was talking to a friend of mine who was at the same service as my mom and had said that she met my cousin! I was so excited! This really is a great thing! I hope that when I am home that I can go to church with her, maybe even with her boyfriend too! Wow that would really be amazing! So, if you could say some prayers for my cousin, I'd really appreciate it. This is the first step of many to come, and I can't wait to see what happens.
On a different note, my sister and I have been talking a lot lately, which isn't normal at all. It's actually been really great though. She traveled back to SB for her birthday, and while she was there she looked for apartments. She will be moving back the first week of January, and already has a job when she gets there! We've been talking a lot about massage and what I should be looking ahead to, and what things will help me, etc. It's really been great to talk to her about all of this, being that she's been doing it for over 3 years. We've talked just about every day this past week, and it didn't end in one, or both, of us being angry with the other person. Things are actually starting to move in the right direction! Also a really great thing, and I know this is yet again, the first step of many to come, and I can't wait to see what happens. Again, please say some prayers for her, I'd really appreciate it! Over and out!
Posted by
10:46 AM
This is awesome...Dave Barnes made a video, for Christmas...if you have a couple minutes watch it and don't forget to...Enjoy! Over and out!
Posted by
6:54 PM
I got some pictures from Thanksgiving, so I thought I'd put them up here, because well I think they're funny! Enjoy! Over and out!
Posted by
5:19 PM
Okay so I'm going to warn you first before you start reading further...I was very mad this morning and am going to post about it, however you may laugh at it, so take it for what it's worth.
Posted by
4:57 PM
(No, those two words don't actually go together.)
Yesterday was spent babysitting, literally all day. I got to the house around 8:15, and left around 6:15...YIKES! I ended up putting the girls in time out a couple of times because they were fitting with each other...yeah, I'm not a push over! They took 3 hour naps, which was a nice change of pace for a little bit. I watched Elf when they were sleeping. Oh how I love that movie! All and all babysitting was pretty uneventful which was very nice considering a few of the times before! Yikes!
After babysitting I went and hung out with Melissa the rest of the evening. It was great to hang out with someone who actually has an intelligent thought, or actually pronounces! (Yes, I am referring to the kids I babysat for most of the day.) I ended up laughing so hard, and that was only when we were running errands! "180 degree turn just to go that way!?"
After I got home I didn't do much other than get ready for bed. Well, I went to bed around 12:30, and fell asleep pretty quick which is unusual. I rarely remember my dreams, so this really freaked me out. I woke up in the middle of the night (okay around 6am) because I was literally balling my eyes out. I was having a crazy nightmare, and was crying in my dream, and when I woke up tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't believe it. Then I had to try and separate my nightmare from reality, which wouldn't normally be hard but I was still halfway asleep. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well after that. Seriously, crazy! Over and out!
Posted by
11:08 AM
So today being that I once again did not have class because they were cancelled due to the weather, I thought I would hang out at Panera and read for a while. I sat there reading for a while, and even though I had read this book many times before, it hit me so hard once again.I have been reading through Blue Like Jazz for a couple weeks now only reading a chapter here and there in between lectures, or before bed. Near the end of the book though, I couldn't get enough. So being that I had the day, I made sure to really take the time to sit and really take it all in.
There are a few chapters that really get straight to my heart. Yes, most of them are near the back, the part I will make sure to sit and not get up until I read through them. I could go through and tell you about all of them, but I'm going to point out only one of them. Love: How to Really Love Yourself. It really is an amazing chapter, that may seem so simple, but for whatever reason it seems like a new concept to me. One of the things that really stuck with me is when Don is talking to a friend of his and he says to her, "'I know that God loves me.' And I did know, I just didn't believe." Oh man how true that is! I know in my head that God loves me, but to believe in my heart, now that is a whole other story. It is as if there is a massive wall from my head to my heart, and that very little can actually get through. No, I take that back, it's not a wall so much as a break in the line; it's still partially connected, but only barely, and only a few things find the small pathway through.
"I have come to understand that strength, inner strength, comes from receiving love as much as it comes from giving it." This is a huge thing! I am the person that is always giving, and doesn't even think twice about how I receive love. I know that it is a struggle for me that I graciously receive love, and something I am constantly working at. One more thing, "God's love will never change us if we don't accept it." If I really want to change how I interact with people and how people see Jesus in me, I need to accept God's love. God is love, so if I am rejecting His love, I am rejecting Him. Wow, there's a thought! I think I'll go marinate with that for a while. Over and out!
Posted by
5:41 PM