Tuesday, February 13, 2007

hApPy TiMeS!

Why you ask? Well I'm sitting here listening to my new Jon McLaughlin CD (Songs I Wrote and Later Recorded) that just came in the mail. (I couldn't buy it last week when I was at the concert because they didn't take credit cards...poo!) Anyway, so that came in the mail today, so I'm listening to it, and I'm sipping on some wonderful hot chocolate, and I just got some snail mail from my parents! It's the funniest little card. It's a foam postcard and there is a bee on it, and is says, "Bee Mine!" My parents are so wonderful! Oh and I believe I came up with a new design for my next series of drawings! Right now I'm still in the scetching stages, but I think I might have something good! We'll see sometime this summer when I have a couple days to really put some color and life behind it. Over and out!


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