Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow day!?

As I went to bed last night the rain slowly changed to snow, and was supposed to continue snowing for about eight hours. The weather forecasters were predicting around 2-4 inches of snow close to me, which looked pretty promising. I didn't think that it would be too bad out, so I set my alarm clock to get up for school. I figured that when my alarm went off that I would check the news cast and see if my school was closed...and it was! Seriously, I don't understand it here! We only got about 3 inches of snow and all the major school systems were closed! Oh well, I didn't mind, and got in a couple hours of extra sleep, which was great. I'm feeling so much better today too which is wonderful! I went and started my half marathon training today and felt really great running! Tomorrow is going to be much more of a test with a tempo run, but I think I'll do fine. Over and out!


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