Monday, February 12, 2007

Under the weather...

This weekend, as well as today, was spent chillin' on my couch. Unfortunately it was only because I've been sick for the past few days. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night because I was coughing so hard that I thought one of my lungs was going to come up! So I thought it best that I would stay home rather than go to class today. I slept most of the day which was much needed considering I haven't slept much because of the coughing. I wanted to still go and work out today, which would have been an easy 5 mile run today, but opted to stay home and rest some more. That means that tomorrow will be my 1st official day of training for my half marathon! I'm really excited for it, and can't believe that it is now less than 16 weeks away! I added a countdown at the bottom of my blog so you can see how many days until the half marathon! Well I need to go and get more Kleenex.

Over and out!


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