Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Perspective...

WOW! I just talked to a friend of mine who I haven't talked to in quite a while...It was so great! Anyway, we were catching each other up on what is going on in our lives for the past several months, and how things are going. After talking for a while she said something that totally took me aback. "If Jesus came back tomorrow would that change what you do today?" Do the people that I love know that I love them? Do they know how much I care about them, and the friendships that I have with so many people? Am I willing to risk being comfortable to really say how I feel (about a lot of different things)? Do I need to step up? Or take a leap of faith and trust that whatever happens will happen how it should? There are so many thoughts running through my head right now. I literally feel like I don't have enough receptors to take in all of the information that is going on up there! I was going to study after eating dinner, but I couldn't until I got this out of my system. I'm sure even now though I'll still be thinking about so much of this. I think it's good have questions running around my head that don't have to do with anatomy! Over and out!


1 comment:

Jeanna said...

Wow...those are definitely some questions that are worth the time to think through...

I may need some thinking time myself on these..