Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, I guess I will write the traditional Thanksgiving post. So here is my top list of things that I am thankful for this year.

1. My crazy family. Yes, I did say crazy, and I meant it. Sometimes though, we're so crazy its actually crizazy! I know that my family can be very odd at times, but I really do love them!

2. My amazing friends. Literally all over the world, and I am blessed to know every one of them. They have made me laugh, cry, and sometimes laugh so hard that I cry! (That actually happens quite often!) Thank you to each of you for all of your support through some crazy times, and for all of the memories!

3. That I am in school right now. That alone is crazy enough, but that I am learning something that I love, that I will some day be able to even make a living out of that.

4. The fact that I am actually talented (or so I hear) in my art work. I am just thankful that I can express myself through my art, and that people enjoy looking at it. I find it amazing that people think it is good. I just love that I get to use a blank canvas, whether it is actual canvas, or clay, or whatever, and make it my own. I love it! (I really miss it too actually!)

5. That I can run. I know some people really hate to run, but it is a really freeing experience for me, and I am blessed to be able to run. I know I take this for granted way too often, and should really be more thankful that I can move around without the assistance of a person or machine.

6. That I have a roof over my head. Not only in KC, but back home as well. I prefer the one back home, but hey, that's because of the good eatin' that comes with it! Honestly though it's crazy how I even got this apartment, and couldn't say anything other than God's hand was on all of this. (Short version of the story...I had looked at these apt. and wanted one, but wasn't sure if I was going to get into the school's program so I had to wait. Literally 5 min. after I called the apt. complex I had to dart to the post office to send in a deposit...with about 2 minutes to spare, I got the deposit in and it was mine! Yay God!)

7. That I will be able to spend Thanksgiving with my best friend and her family. I didn't think I would be able to travel home for the holiday a month back, and they graciously offered me to join them. I can't tell you how great it is to be with a family (not just any family either, by my best friends family!) on Thanksgiving.

8. That I'll be able to come home for a couple days!!! Yes, I'm more than excited to come home and visit with my family, my Scruffy, and my friends! I am so thankful that I have a car that I can count on to get me home, and anywhere else for that matter!

9. My sweet Scruffy. She really is like part of the family, but she gets her own spot too! It's so wonderful to have a dog again. Even though I don't get to see her all that often, it's really great to go home and see her! I miss her so much!

10. Most importantly, I am so thankful to be a child of God. I can't tell you how much of a comfort it is to know that He has better and bigger plans than I could ever imagine. I know that I haven't always been such a great kid, but I know that every time I fall down that He is there to help me through whatever it is that I just went through.

On a slightly different note...this will be the second Thanksgiving without my wonderful cousin who passed away a little over a year and a half ago. I've heard that the second time through the holidays are harder than the first, so please say some prayers for me. Thanksgiving was always our time to get together and hang out and of course fight over the first piece of my mom's apple pie.

**Thanks for the memories Jenny, I love and miss you. You'll always be in my heart.**

Over and out!


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