Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Care Package! & Training

So I got a care package in the mail today! It was supposed to get here last week...but there was a slight detour. My mom was sending both my sister and I packages. Which was wonderful...but she sent the packages to the wrong places. So mine ended up in Virginia Beach with my sister, and I got hers! Anyway, so my package got here today, and my sister put something in there too! I was excited to open it up because I knew that my running tights would be in there! My mom made me some molasses cookies too! It was great!
**This pictures is just a general care package know I wouldn't have that much junk food sent to me!**

On a different note I decided that I need to figure out a new running plan. My knees are bothing me too much to continue running every day. So right now, I'm planning on running every other day and see how my knee does with that. I think I'll start running every day again in Janurary/February, and then possibly run twice a day beginning in March. So we'll see how all of this pans out, but I think it will work out okay. Over and out!



Jeanna said...

That can't possibly be the care package from your mom...theres an awful lot of junk food in there for someone who is a HEALTH nut!

Anonymous said...

can your mom send me a care package? I mean since you left she hasn't brought in any mini muffins or anything, boy you must have a strong influence Princess