Thursday, November 02, 2006!

So it's plan and simple...I'm feeling under the weather; sick; whatever you would like to call it. I went to class today, feeling fine, but about halfway through class, I felt like I was running a fever. I felt really hot, and generally achy all over. The second half of class today was hands on, so I opted out, and just studied my notes instead. I didn't feel like getting a massage, nor giving one to anyone, and possibly getting someone else sick. Hopefully I'll get over this real soon.

The rest of the day, I've just been resting. I had some chicken noddle soup for lunch, drank some tea, and took a hot shower. I figure one of those is bound to help, right? I sure hope so! I'm still not feeling great, but I'm not letting that keep me down. I have a mid-term tomorrow, so I'm at least going to class for that, but depending on how I feel I might leave once I'm finished. Well I'm going to go lay down again. Over and out.



Anonymous said...

hope you get plenty of rest and feel better soon

Anonymous said...

Hate to hear you're feeling icky! Take care of yourself doll :)