Monday, November 13, 2006

Weekend Update....

I could not have asked for a better weekend. Seriously, it was such a wonderful time with some amazing people that I absolutely love, and connect with so well. It was really great being able to show them around KC, and where I've been living for the past couple months. We went down to the plaza for a some shopping, and walking around taking in all the atmosphere. If you ever get a chance to go to KC, be sure to check out the plaza, it's awesome. After walking around for a while, we went to Jackstack! It's pretty much a done deal that if you come in town to visit myself, or Melissa, you'll eat dinner at Jackstack at some point. It was fantastic as always! I ate way too much, as did everyone I think, we could hardly move after we were so full! Ah, but it was good eatin'! After dinner we drove over to my apartment to show them a little bit of where I live, and spend most of my time. Then it was back to Melissa's house to hang out, and meet the new puppy her brother just brought home! Bentley is a sweet little pup, who will probably be around 90 pounds when he's full grown! Anyway, after playing with Bentley for a few hours, we figured it was time for him to go to bed, plus the four of us girls wanted to stay up and talk. We ended up talking until close to 4 am, and I tell you, it was just what I needed.

After my friends left on Sunday to head back to the Bend, I hung out with Melissa and Bentley for a little longer. We ended up taking him to Petco to get him a few toys, and a leash. He was overwhelmed with everything in the store, but he was a good little pup at the store, and in the car. It was really great being able to hang out with Melissa a little bit longer before heading back to my apartment, and reality. So here are some pictures of the weekend!

Lindsey & I...

Jeanna & I...

Rich & I...

Michael & I...

Melissa & Bentley...
how cute!

Me & Bentley...
Yeah, he's adorable!
Over and out!


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