Friday, November 10, 2006

Late night driving....

So my friends were driving through the night last night to come and visit me! They had called a few times to give me updates on where they were, and how they were doing. I told them that I was going to try and get a little bit of sleep, but to call me whenever they needed to. So at 2:19 am I get a phone call from them...listen in:

Me: Hey, where are you?

Friend: Well, we're on 70, but we hit a deer.

Me: WHAT!? Is everyone okay!? Oh my gosh!

Friend: Yes, everyone is okay. The truck, well it can't really move though. The frame is smashed into the front left tire.

Me: Oh my gosh! But everyone is okay though, right?

Friend: Yes, everyone is fine.

Anyway, so everyone was fine, and they called 911, and the cops came to take a report, and take them to a hotel, and get their car towed to a dealership. They spent the night at the hotel, and are now just waiting until the car is ready to go. So now its just a matter of waiting around until they get here. Oh, how difficult that is! Well, I figure I'll get my run in while I wait, so off for now! Over and out!


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