Thursday, October 26, 2006

"Dating & single!?" & a little randomness!

So today during one of our breaks in class one of the girls went out in the hall to go talk to a guy that she liked. I knew that she was/is having a difficult time getting over her last boyfriend, and so I said that she needs to be single for a while. So one of the other girls says, you can date and be single at the same time. WHAT!? I'm sorry, isn't that an oxymoron? I understand that just about everyone in my class has different morals & convictions that I hold to, but how can anyone think that? So I inquired a little further. I asked how that is even possible. This was the answer I got: "You can be single and still date around. You don't have to continue to date the same person, and tell them where you are and all that. You are just learning about the person, and finding out if you like them." I still didn't agree that in that circumstance you were still "single" though. So if you think this is actually possible, please explain to me how. Anyway, so after we talked about this for a few minutes, one of my classmates said to me, that I'm going to have to find some guy that is really good, someone into adventure, studious, etc. Which in my head I thought, of course the guy I marry will be really good...heck, he'll be great! I just couldn't believe what they were saying about the whole dating and being single at the same time. Totally threw me off!

When I got home I thought about going for a run, but I was so tired, and my body still felt like it had been hit by a semi truck, so I opted not to run today. I instead took a nap. A really long nap. I woke up, and felt like a ton of lead. I didn't want to move. However, my mom called me to inform me that the package that she was sending to me, she accidentally sent to my sister. Which means that I'll be receiving my sister's package today. So we have to send out the packages to each other so everything is "A-Okay!" I guess my sister wanted to keep my stuff though! Not good, I need my running tights! Which is really the only time you will ever see me in tights! Haha! Yikes! Over and out!


1 comment:

Jeanna said...

I am going to be a major follower right now and say I agree with Stephanie and Lindsay...crazy how something that seems as if it is a "simple" term is suddenly not so simple anymore...

And heck yea the guy you marry better be great! We aren't approving anything less...