Friday, October 20, 2006

My Door!

I finally put something on my door to my bedroom. I've wanted to do this...well, since I moved in, but finally took the time to do it. So on my door I have some of the people that I love, along with things that motivate me, and inspire me. I need to get some more pictures printed out and add them around the sides, but that's my door for now.

This door I walk by every day, multiple times. This is why I put it up. I know that it will make my heart beat fast, and take me to a place where nothing can hurt me. This is a place that God and I get to hang out, just the two of us. This is a place where I am learning to be quiet and listen to God's still small voice. This is a place where I want to frequent more than I have recently. This is my door, is my heart. These people on my door help me come back home to my heart. Some of these people tell me like it is even when it's difficult. These are the people that inspire me to follow God's plan instead of my own. This is my door!

Over and out!


1 comment:

Jen said...

awwwwwwe! your door is soo cute! What a creative project. Nice work!