Monday, October 30, 2006

VOTE! & Fiber!

Today I got my absentee ballot in the mail. Even though I can't be at the polls on November 7th, I'm making sure that my voice is heard, and I hope that you do the same. Find your polling place, and be sure to place your vote. Be an informed voter, and research your candidates. Make sure your voice heard, vote November 7th!

On a different note, I feel like for the past two weeks every day in class we have talked about FIBER! So here is my contribution to you! If you do nothing else, add fiber to your diet! Why exactly you ask? Well for the simple fact that it helps clean you out. This is a wonderful thing. It also helps to make you feel full longer. Fiber is the last thing that leaves your stomach (carbohydrates, protein, fat and then fiber). This is why after you stuff yourself with a huge pasta dinner you feel hungry an hour later! If you added fiber to your diet, you wouldn't have those hunger urges nearly as often. So there you go! Over and out!


1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh- I am sooo all about the fiber... well, and the voting too! haha! I've been doing a variation of the South Beach Diet now for the past almost 2 months and it is going great, but the fiber really helps (like you said, in many ways) Anyway, just wanted to comment, say hi, and let you know that you are thought of and missed my friend! Have a great day!