Sunday, October 29, 2006

Linus & me!

So Linus is one of my favorite peanut characters...well characters, in general I suppose. See, I identify with him in many ways. The obvious one is the fact that he carries around his security blanket...Now, I don't actually carry it around with me, but yes, I still have my baby blankie, and yes, I sleep with it every night! He also is the one that sees the good in things even when no one else will give them a care. I love that about him! He is the one that takes this little Christmas tree, when everyone else won't even give it a day or time. I hope that I have more of that in me!

So here I am with my blankie. I've had this my entire life, and I don't care what anyone says, I'm keeping it! When I was about 5 or 6, one of my parents friends (she was actually a dispatcher at one of my dad's fire stations) told me she would give me $10 if I would get rid of my blankie! Granted that was a lot of money back then, but still there was no way I was trading any amount of money for my blankie! Anyway, so there really isn't any reason for this post, I just thought that you might get a laugh out of this, or maybe even make you think! So who is your favorite character? Who do you identify with? Over and out!



Jeanna said...

You crack me up!!

Anonymous said...

this is just way too cute, but we should expect no less from the princess!