Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Deep Tissue & Half-Marathon

So today for class we had lectures for the first two hours, then it was time to trade massages! I was able to get one of the really talented seniors to work on me. I was really excited because I knew that I had some knots in my legs, and my IT bands (Iliotibial bands) were really tight too and knew she would work on them. Anyway, so she gave me a full body deep tissue massage! If you haven't had a deep tissue massage (and believe me, you would know) then let me tell's painful, but a good painful. Essentially you are stripping the muscles, so the toxins will be flushed out. As an athlete, it's a wonderful thing...although, I'm sure the average person would take advantage of it as well. There are a few new students in our class now, so they were observing the massages being given, which meant I had an audience! Yeah, that's not normal! Anyway, so the senior working on me asked if it was okay if the "newbies" did a little work on me. So I said to go for it. A few times, there were three sets of hands on me! CRAZY!!! Anyway, I ended up getting about an hour and a half massage, which was so wonderful! So tomorrow I owe her a really long massage. I'm up for it though!

After I got home, I went for my usual run, right around 3 miles. Then after about 20 minutes after I felt like my body had been through a war, or hit by a semi truck or something! So now I'm chillin' on my couch relaxing for a while. I don't want to kill my body trying to get in shape for the half marathon!

Speaking of the half marathon...I went on the Sunburst website to figure out what time the race begins, cost, etc. That's when I found out that the races are always the first Saturday in June! I thought it was the second Saturday in July! So this changes a few things because had it been when I had originally thought, everything would work out great. My summer break (one week, yippie), is the first week of July, so I thought it would work out great! However, because it is the first Saturday in June, it looks like I will have to make a special trip for the race. Right now I'm thinking that I'll try and fly home the Friday, June 1st, then race Saturday June 2nd, then fly back to KC Sunday June 3rd. It would be a very quick trip, but I really want to run this race, so I feel like it's worth it. I need to figure out a few things, and hope that prices on these flights go down, but that's my plan for now. Over and out!


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