Friday, October 20, 2006

Quizams &!

Well for class today we had our first quiz (or quizam as our instructor likes to call them!), nothing difficult really, unless you didn't show up for a couple classes throughout the week. (That wasn't a problem for me!) I just don't understand how people have already missed 3 days of class already! We've only had 5 days of class in this section! Anyway, class is going well, other than my arm feels like it is going to fall off from writing so many notes! It's just that its been such a long time since I've taken notes for class! I think it goes all the way back Bob's Old Testament...that was in the spring of 2002! Yeah, it's been a while! For one of the answers I even drew a picture along with the written instructor laughed when he saw it. I guess we'll see how I did next week, but I feel like I did well. Oh, and speaking of grades, I got my grade from my last section...drum roll please....A 104%, yay! So far, so good! Ah, heck, it's great!

After class I decided that I should go running. Well, okay, I decided this once, I decided to start training for the half marathon. The only thing was that my head didn't want to go running. My body did, but my mind didn't. I knew once I actually was out there running I would be glad that I did, but it was just getting out there. So I decided to just start by doing some crunches (only 100 right now), and push ups (only 10...but that will go up!). After doing those, I felt a little bit more like running, and left for my run. Literally, only one minute in, I was happy to be out running! I ran about 3 miles like I have been doing, and am so glad that I ran! So I got over the three day hump! This is a great thing, because now it's starting to get into my routine!

One more thing, I got a new book this week! In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson, I've only ready about 2 chapters, but it's really good already. I think I'll finish it this weekend...which for many of those who know me, this is almost crazy talk! I usually hate reading...but get this, in the past couple months I've read Flashbang twice, Waking the Dead, and now I'm starting this book! Holy Cow! One of my classmates said that I'm a book worm! That's a name I never thought would be pinned on me! I guess an old dog can learn new tricks! I'll explain why I say that...Throughout my entire highschool career, I did not read a single book. Now I'm reading all the time! I don't get this at all! It's a great thing though...I don't mind being called a book worm, I mean, I like worms! Over and out!


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