Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Movie & Running

Today for class after we did a couple hours of lecture we watched Super Size Me a documentary film that follows a guy who eats McDonald's for 30 days. I was absolutely disgusted at what some of the people were saying. It's something that is sweeping the nation, and the world for that matter, and is becoming a normal thing that a person will eat at a fast food place more than they will eat a home cooked meal. Even when they do eat at fast food places, it's usually on the run, in a car. The family dinner table has become almost non-existent! It's so sad to think that diabetes, a disease that can be prevented, is predicted to pass heart disease as the number one killer in the US in the next 4 years.

On to a slightly different subject...
Lindsay asked me to eat a Twinkie for her, because she said it would make her smile/laugh. So I figured, I would do that! I must say, I haven't had a Twinkie in a very long time...I forgot how good they were! No worries, though, I only had the one, and I don't have any at home, so I think I'll be good to go! I mean, today I had a Luna bar, an apple, some carrots, and 2 tuna sandwiches...exciting I know!

I also decided to run today. I really didn't want to at all. It was cool out, around 45 degrees, very overcast, and just plain blah! I knew though, that I had to start training if I really am going to run a half marathon in about 9 months. I'm not concerned right now about distance or time, just getting into the habit of running daily again. It's been such a long time since I've seriously trained...this is going to be interesting! I'll be sure to post updates on how things are going. Over and out!


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