Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Field trip! & Visa bills...!!!

Today, for class we went on a field trip! I haven't gone on one of those in...well, years! Anyway, we were going to a federal building to give chair massages. (I'm not a fan of chair massages, I'd much rather spend a little more money and time and get an hour long full body massage.) So we get there and the security guard tells us that we have to have picture ID with us. I had to go out to get it, but I had it, so no problems. However, there were a few students that didn't have their ID with all! How do you drive around without your driver's license? So we signed in, and got visitor passes, then were off to where we set up for the massages. Being that I am only a "newbie", I was only allowed to clean and prepare the chairs. Most of the time though, I sat on the side because my blister was killing me! So that was class...

**I went and got band aids and Bactine!!! So now I have my blister all bandaged up! Hopefully I won't have to use the band aids often!**

**So I ate about a pound of carrots when I got home! Then for dinner I had about a pound of spinach! Waahoo for vegetables!!!**

Usually when I get home, I eat lunch, check my e-mail, do homework, etc. Then turn the tv on and watch a little bit. Today though, I decided to not turn the tv on until much later than I usually do. So instead, I picked up a book that I've been meaning to finish. I have a couple chapters left, but should finish it in the next day or so. What is this book you may be wondering...Waking the Dead. I highly recommend picking it up.

Alright, so my mom calls me to let me know that my Visa bill came, I still need to change the address. Anyway, so she tells me that it is "749". So I pause and think for a moment. She realizes this, and says, "7 dollars & 49 cents, I thought you weren't sure when you paused after I said it the first time." I was starting to go through everything that I've bought in the last month, and I couldn't think of anything, then phew! Anyway, I figured y'all could get a good laugh out of it, I sure did! Over and out!


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